
android access webservice, access the IP address error when theprogram stops running

android access webservice, access the IP address error when the program stops running
In the debugging process because of their machines to get the ip is dynamic , all access webservice every tablet had replaced ip, if not replace click to visit ( Heart thread ) button the program will stop running, I am now do not want it to stop running but give users a network connection error prompt , this should be how to deal with ah , the use of try catch it ? Please guide us heroes .
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
return value , this and ip what's the relationship ? I remember that Android is not possible to get to your ip do ?
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java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to / (port 8080) after 20000ms
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I know, is a webservice interface, the data is returned LIst result , the returned data into a String can be

1 条评论:

  1. What if the internet connection is encountering a hacker on our own network?

    Silvester Norman

    Change MAC Address
