
C # Forms application , how to control a listbox item font color

Such as the title !

ListBox multiple item, how to control a few item font color ? Such as the first 3,6 item font color to red.

Note: Not selected item.
------ Solution ----------------------------- ---------------
replaced listview
------ For reference only ----------------- ----------------------
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void SetColor()
            ListBox1.Items[3].Attributes.CssStyle["background-color"] = "red;";

------ For reference only ---------- -----------------------------
ListBox1.Items [3]. Attributes.CssStyle ["background-color"] = "red;";
this code where they come from , is a form program , without this code .
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set the font , background color can be , the purpose is to allow a certain item looks different from the other item .
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listview so hard to use it .

