
Get on the page already registered QQ Service QQ number

end Often seen on the page , there are icons directly with QQ login . Will the fact how to achieve ? ?
I do not know what to say clearly :
1, usual we log on QQ
2, open a page, its icon above tips : Direct use of qq login , click on the direct , with the user account and log in directly
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this to Tencent API support over there , because he would not bar the information ( password or something ) to other companies
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certainly tx the api ah ! Go tx find instructions.
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and there are a variety of API, look , there should be the kind you want
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web page can be detected with the current system qq login because QQ when installing an activeX control register . By js call
new ActiveXObject ("SSOAxCtrlForPTLogin.SSOForPTLogin2"), then use some method to obtain its object to qq number . Subsequent operations on this object . Specifically not carefully read . The key is this activeXObject, Web pages and play QQ client interaction.
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very powerful.
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http://open.qq.com Tencent's open platform to say very clearly to apply for a key and id can be used after he would offer some classes for you to use
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http://open.qq . com
+ + + + +
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  This reply was moderator deleted at 2012-07-28 09:35:20

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have detailed codes do

