
Help , JspFragment class invoke Where is the child to achieve ?

package javax.servlet.jsp.tagext;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;

public abstract class JspFragment {

    public abstract void invoke( Writer out )
        throws JspException, IOException;

    public abstract JspContext getJspContext();


This is what I found JspFragment source. There does not define the invoke method . Under this method does invoke , where is the child to achieve it .

just let me strange that this class did not store data variables.
The following code
JspFragment jf = this.getJspBody ();
Jsp code will be passed to this jf (JspFragment object ) , he did not store data space , how to save the contents of these Jsp code .
( the code content, but also in the form of a string passed it ? ? ? )

------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
you have a jar package directly to the inside looking through what you can find .
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s someone answer it . Thank you
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still can not find , looking for two days and nights .
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anyone know what class in which the source code , how can I find them .

