
Help: Please provide an expert OpenCV-Android -based Eclipse project as a reference !

 This post last edited by the nerv3x3 on 2011-09-17 21:49:43
today from the morning got now , are still eating dinner . . . Can be found online on the OpenCV-Android information in English and almost all seen it again , still encounter many problems stalled , ask any expert to provide a reference for OpenCV-Android -based projects , it simply the best requirements are as follows :

1. use the already compiled OpenCV-Android library, the project is best based on Eclipse 3.x, use NDK;
2. specific program flow is , first part in C + + to create a class that reads an image , call the OpenCV-Android library functions for this image just do some simple processing, and then in the Java part import the C + + class in the Android emulator display this picture .
3. I still have one question is , compiled OpenCV-Android dynamic link library files , the last will not be included in the generated APK in ? Do you want me in advance manually install the Android SDK emulator these dynamic link library ?

believe engaged OpenCV-Android master must have encountered these problems, so ask experts to provide a simple reference project , not grateful ! My mail is nerv3x3 & qq.com (& replaces @ ) , be sure that if he ran through the project, and those already online example I have seen it again , on my computer always has some problems .
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been sent, please check LZ is a similar HelloWorld applet.
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I had only been engaged in the VS C + +, very little contact with Linux programming so many problems encountered , please experts can more detailed guidance , very grateful ~ _ ~
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master it ? . . . -_-
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Thank you very much , I look at ~
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with demand , outlook1212@163.com, thank
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with demand ccta886@163.com
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with demand ymz224@126.com
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facilitate sharing one not ? ? I'm just getting started with opencv, the installation at Andrews quite complicated for me . according to online writing ran again, the example given is able to run , but after reading their new picture has been reluctant to declare Mat even have problems. should still not installed . ask the next bar. first thank
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seeking an Android-based opencv book

