
How to package HTML5 files directly on the Android run on ?

That is, the computer do the HTML5 web , of course , is not dynamic ASP or PHP and the like, there is no database
direct use tools packaging, packaged into Android applications and installed programs can generate
installation opens, in fact, open or website is to achieve equivalent without the aid of open web browser file

similar to the windows platform CHM files , but also with static HTML files packaged into the

I was doing web development for mobile development without the slightest understanding, I do not know what tools can be achieved ?
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with webview direct load
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or use phoneGap integrate html5 are OK , ah, there are many online solutions
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http://gyht0808.iteye.com/blog / 848238
the kind of tools do not you say it, only to build their own procedures android friends
Put your HTML5 on your android project assets under
then wView.loadUrl (file :/ / / android_asset / xxx.html);

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comrades, I do not want my own development, I do not know a little , I can see there is no tool can directly be transferred directly , ie switch that is used
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What you say is not WebView component
I do not know what this group is the development environment for something ? Eclipse?
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is that with the development of Eclipse

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To create an android project ? ? ? Android project to put HTML5 to run ?
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I also do the website , but there is no understanding of mobile development , the company recently let me be a mobile site , I do not know how to build environmental ah ? ? ?

