
java how to get Count (*) value

 This post last edited by the u011613626 on 2013-08-28 20:50:48
My code is as follows:
public int getTopicId (int Id) {
int i = 0; < br />
try {
String sql = "select count (*) from selTopic Where TopicId =?";
pst = conn.prepareStatement (sql );
pst.setInt (1, Id);
rs = pst.executeQuery ();

if (rs.next ()) {
catch (SQLException ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
finally {
source.closeResultSet (rs);
source.closePreparedStatement (pst);
source.closeConnection (conn);

return i;

Will ...... at what the complete , in order to obtain Count (*) value. If my idea is wrong, then how to write it ? Trouble you help me find !
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
rs.getInt (1)
------ Solution --------------------------- -----------------
rs.getInteger (1)
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can not but standard colors, eyes looking tired . . .
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sql * do not use
use count (0) will be able to get the total number of records
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write can get the total number of records ?
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count (0) how to use ? Is rs.getInt (counr (0)) do ?
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next note !

