
jsp inside nested jsp

you greatly

now learning java WEB development . Using struts2 + tomcat6 + mysql.

bottom is a page. Name student.jsp. There are nested one addstudent.jsp I used the red marked out.

This is a copy from the Internet . Not know , just know that is a nested inside the jsp jsp

I would now like to point out that in my jsp drop-down bar on the left side when the contents inside that jsp can change and outside the same.

do not know whether there are some simple ways . surf the Internet , but looks like he has said local brush-type problems like AJAX, I still do not want to immediately and add a

headache stuff

Oh . There is to know what kind of trouble . I'm sorry, so sorry multisection the ~ ~ ~

<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="gb2312"%>
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String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";

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                <iframe src="addStudent.jsp" scrolling="no"
                    frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>

------ Solution ------------------------------------- -------
target = "testframe" >

------ Solution --- -----------------------------------------
will form the target and iframe the name is set to the same point the submit button or form.submit, you can refresh only the area of the iframe .
I'm still working , no environmental ah. .
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red where it !
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I'm depressed. . .

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------ For reference only --------------- What does it mean ------------------------

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addStudent.jsp increase in the head tag

Later in addStudent.jsp operate in whatever we do , will only refresh himself , without affecting the outside of the page.

not solve your problem.
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I now submit in addstudent.jsp inside , then jump no problem.

I want to point out inside the JSP JSP then be changed

Is that right ?

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can you give me an example? Running my own and see .

Thank you

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good I would first try

late for me to get hold of examples Chouchou Caesar

Thank Kazakhstan

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dynamic includes , static include
Google, Baidu
found what
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see it
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I also want to see an example , you reach people , . Can you give an example Chouchou chant

