
oo ideological programming ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Pharaoh and the talk of the town a couple . Pharaoh is a university professor , talk of the town is an accountant , and their parents are alive . Pharaoh and the talk of the town has a son, 15 years old , and in secondary school. Pharaohs sometimes play tai chi, talk of the town sometimes go part-time lectures . With the idea of ​​OO describe their relationship
------ Solution -------------------------------- ------------
so described can do

------ Solution ------- -------------------------------------
old topic, why not try Baidu Look . http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390537300
----- - Solution --------------------------------------------
Interface ; Person {}
Interface Man {
Person fuck (Woman woman);
Interface Woman {
Person fuckedBy (Man man);

class Wang implements Man {
@ Override
public Person fuck (Woman woman) {
if (woman instanceof Li)
return new ChildWang ();
return null;

class Li implements Woman {
@ Override
public Person fuckedBy (Man man) {
------ Solution ------------------------------- -------------
look here
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this is the idea of ​​object -oriented description of the ! ! ! ! !
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java interview questions , was written .
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he was so , write code describe
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" husband and wife ", " their parents are alive ." ---- I do not know how expressed
I was a novice vegetables , the first to write that stuff , before all COPY

class Person {
private Gender gender;
private int age;


public enum Gender {

class Parent extends Person {
private String job;
private String hobby;
private String part_time_job;


class Child extends Person {
private String school;
Parent mother, father;


public class MainApp {
Parent wang = new Parent ();
Parent li = new Parent ();
Child wangson = new Child ();

public static void main (String [] args) {
wang.gender = Gender.M;
wang.job = " university professor " ;
wang.hobby = " shadow boxing " ;

li.job = " accounting " ;
li.part_time_job = " lectures " ;
li.gender = Gender.F;

wangson.father = wang;
wangson.mather = li;
wangson.age = 15;
wangson.school = " middle school" ;
wangson.gender = Gender.M;

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wangson.father = wang;
wangson.mather = li;

whether express the Pharaoh and talk of the town a couple ?
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theoretically can only show you this formula Pharaoh and talk of the town there is a common son , can not explain the couple .
Pharaoh classes can be built
public class PersonWang extends Person {
Parent parent ;/ / parent object which contains two people , his father, his mother
Child child ;/ / child object which contains two people , his father, his mother
Wife wife ;/ / wife object which contains a man , his wife
Job job ;/ / job object , place of work , nature , etc.
/ / Method: play ball
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only show you this equation theoretically Pharaoh and talk of the town there is a common son , can not explain the couple .   
Pharaoh classes can be built   
public class PersonWang extends Person {   
Parent parent ;/ / parent object which contains two people , his father, his mother   
Child child ;/ / child object which contains two people , his father, his mother   
Wife wife ;/ / wife object which contains a man , his wife   
Job job ;/ / job object , place of work , nature , etc.   
/ / Method: play ball   

but also for old Wang class ? Do you want a few NEW Pharaoh ?

why there is no master shot ? Too simple ?
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theoretically can only show you this formula Pharaoh and talk of the town there is a common son , can not explain the couple .   
Pharaoh classes can be built   
public class PersonWang extends Person {   
Parent parent ;/ / parent object which contains two people , his father, his mother   
Child child ;/ / child object which contains two people , his father, his mother   
Wife wife ;/ / wife object which contains a man , his wife   
Job job ;/ / job object , place of work , nature , etc.   
/ / Method: play ball   
" play ball ", etc. in the actual development can no longer be placed in which a JavaBean !
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http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390536618 complete solution
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??? no answer
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focus on their relationship a couple .
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pain free eggs , right
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Oh Oh
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admire the landlord ideas
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??? no answer  

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Interface Person {}
Interface Man {
Person fuck (Woman woman);
Interface Woman {
Person fuckedBy (Man man);

class Wang implements Man {
@ Override
public Person fuck (Woman woman) {
if (woman instanceof Li)
return new ChildWang ();
return null;

class Li implements Woman {
@ Override
public Person fuckedBy (Man man) {
if (man instanceof Wang)
return new ChildWang ();
return new Person () {};

class ChildWang implements Man {
@ Override
public Person fuck (Woman woman) {
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this sb forum, your posts can not be changed , ctrl + enter for mac users too easy to inadvertently the

made ​​a mistake a lot before . Key point here is to write the remaining capacity ah ah what position do not care for

Interface Person { }
Interface Man {
  Person fuck (Woman woman);
Interface Woman {
  Person fuckedBy (Man man);

class Wang implements Man {
  public Person fuck (Woman woman) {
    if (woman instanceof Li)
      return new ChildWang();
    return null;

class Li implements Woman {
  public Person fuckedBy (Man man) {
    if (man instanceof Wang)
      return new ChildWang();
    return new Person() {};

class ChildWang implements Man {
  public Person fuck (Woman woman) {
    return new Person() {};

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21L god replies
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Baidu did not looking to play

