
Project import MyEclipse2013 this error , how to solve ?

Development Platform : JDK 1.6 + MyEclipse 8.6 + Tomcat 6.0.2
Framework Version : Struts2.1 + Spring 3.0 + Hibernate3.3

Before using the development environment above all normal .

for the computer, the latest upgrade of the platform JDK 1.7 + MyEclipse 2013 + Tomcat 8.0.0 , import the original project when prompted to migration, within the project does not fail , but after deployment starting Tomcat for there are mistakes, is what causes ? ? How to solve , someone encountered? ?

questions are as follows :
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.web.context.ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.setId(Ljava/lang/String;)V

------ Solution ------------------------------------- -------
http://blog.sina.com.cn / s/blog_6151984a0100l3bb.html
------ Solution ------------------------------ --------------
jar version issues now.
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
may jar package it
------ Solution ---------------------------- ----------------
re- engage in a full JAR package
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then manually remove the jar after the package if you want to redeploy tomcat,
will generate only again manually delete it ?
------ Solution ------------------------- -------------------
reload look jre package
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jar version of the problem
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is ah , deploy automatically added a lot of jar package . .
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I have solved , thank you , to share my solution:
1, will Tomcat8.0.0 replaced 7.0.42 ( estimated MyEclipse2013 not support Tomcat8, or Tomcat8 partially jar package update )
2, removed more out of the conflict after deployment Jar package

