
Qt drag the issue

touch devices Whether Qt for Android or Qt for Arm if there touchpad, how to make the kind of drag effect on the phone .

efficiency using MouseMoveEvent obviously very bad.

did not make the development of Android , do not know is not to provide a drag api. Developed with Qt , how to achieve such a drag , slide effect is good ?

only slide up and down , kind of sliding around , not dragEvent kind , holding with the mouse ran .
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Qt for Android still waiting to see
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not very clear. Then a minute, ha ha
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look qt demo there are similar
------ Solution ------------------------------ --------------
ready to get started qt for android
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touchpad that's wrong , because this is a touch screen device
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Qt for Android also waiting to see
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if we are waiting for 5.2
5.1 Although the rate of the sensor and some other modules, functions or imperfect
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QML Flickable achieve a touch drag feature

