
Rich client used DWZ great God who is invited to help ! ! !

I was a novice , learning to use DWZ UI framework , encountered many problems , I do not know how to use the following two codes : the

<li><a class="delete" href="demo/common/ajaxDone.html?uid={sid_user}" target="ajaxTodo" title="确定要删除吗?"><span>删除</span></a></li>
<li><a class="edit" href="page4.jsp?uid={sid_user}" target="navTab"><span>修改</span></a></li>

I want to use "Edit" and "Delete " function ( as shown above ) , so jump in jsp form must be selected when the rows information is also sent to another jsp, so as to manipulate the database , but I do not know how to pass in the past ? ? ?
groping for a long time, but get it working , please help, thank you ! ! !
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
you above is not written. url parameter followed jump to the next page ah.
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
written above looks like you can , please change your browser try
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please help , thank you ! ! !
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That argument is how to obtain the next page ?
is on the next page then how ?
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understand, thank you !
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how to solve, seeking to explain ah !

second page need to get this information page table rows selected
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forwarding page request.getParameter ("uid"); able to get the value of {sid_user} , and { sid_user} value is the value you selected row rel .

