
[Share] JMF-based music player

JAVA amount of contact with JAVA soon, rookie one . Bored in twos and threes to write a player. Recently saw a lot of questions to ask JMF . Recently 'd gone. I do not how Gordon CSDN. Occasionally changed, Gaga . Now feel that we can to share with you . Although there is still much room for improvement. But I think the basic all buttoned up. The rest is just a question of the amount of code . So . Although the code may be very bad. But still would like to share with you. A lot of nonsense , mainly because we spray . . The first send a message to share .
This is the start screen. The background is yellow it does not matter . . Because every time you start the color is not the same .

Right- loaded list of direct
direct point left saber and playlists in the control panel to switch the control panel is very simple to saber avatar. Point your mouth point nose. Play Pause realize what the next one . Right in one -on-demand feature can put about JMF supported video ah whatever. That last oyasumi need JRE7 support. an egg only.

minimization is minimized to the tray. Close was shut. Are interested in downloading a look at it on their own . Master under God, the horse on top of a layman can be a horse of God . Do not like do not spray .

Portal : http://download.csdn.net/detail/akemi_homura/4926782
take the opportunity to get some download distracted horse , interested the given two coppers can, go back and evaluate resources are extra points . We win ah.
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I JavaFX really studied for some time, for which a rich multimedia support network really impressive , and its Java + CSS + FXML refreshing concept that can and JavaScript + CSS + HTML analogy next . . Recommend you a few websites : Yes I made good time to collect the data , as the player of the source code I still do not want to publish , forgive me.
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JavaFx source announced
Oracle official JavaFX technology forum this is very good, I basically learned a lot from the above . Many JavaFX inventor online solved our very pointed questions , the answer is also very fast.
JavaFX project examples ( with source code download )

JavaFX is most characteristic of personality is no longer needed LookAndFeel, what Metal, Nimbus, or write their own LookAndFeel ( very complicated , I wrote a spent two months time ) . JavaFX Skin becomes very convenient for the conversion . Specific characteristics are as follows :
1. enriches the Java API library that can interact and Swing perfect .
2. new hardware graphics acceleration (Prism)
3. FXML new markup language truly interface conception and application logic (java code ) apart. Especially for custom web design great advantage .
4. use CSS properties of more than 60 UI controls , and icons charts (JavaSE no such standard library ) .
5. directly in the program can render HTML, using JavaScript
6. JavaFX applications can be automatically generated
7. multi-touch support (Swing no )
8. new media engine , playback, supports H.264 video and ACC audio
9. supports visual design , providing tools JavaFX Scene Builder

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sofa gave himself. Decompiled code is not God, the horse would be finished . Places. I'm just saying . If someone is interested in it for the code .
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right to explain . jar package org directories and songyj directory is my code. The rest is JMF code. Directory exe4j configuration file can be run directly in the directory packaged into an executable EXE files.
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thanks for sharing it. .
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code is read , there is no data collected , shared under the bar !
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no data collected , simply use the JMF ( if I do not how to use JMF will . code inside the plugins package which has a SamplePlayer? classes can reference ) , and then rewrite some things on the interface look. Are written in their own ideas . Possible to achieve a large gap and standards . . jar package org directory is my code , songyj directory I use some of my original writing tools that may be used to obtain class ( I wrote the code a little older . useless to no added . ) . swing packets inside the related classes and interfaces . Mp3Player is the main class ( the most important class how should call ? ) . Mp3PlayerView is the interface . My class names should be quite clear now .
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Yes, add drag and drop songs directly into the line. Feels fairly easy to use. Although a variety of media formats JMF support good or bad is very embarrassing .
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ah ! jmf no contact ! Downloaded under study ~ ~ ~ ! Thanks for sharing
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now Oracle.com called JavaFX is the future mainstream , to see Oracle's new Recommended for networked multimedia support too

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JavaFX in JRE7 years, without downloading and special configuration , the direct use Eclipse or any other IDE as usual on the line . Of course, if you do not have CSS rendering or FXML make up the interface , then you do not need to download additional code highlighting plugin , if you do not need code highlighting perhaps -

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if you just look at the code . You can decompile org directory code then org directory jar package jar package org delete then import the project plugins folder inside the DLL import . Will be able to run the project . Should be. In fact, I would be happy to put forward a eclipse project 's source code or something. I just read that his play is too complicated a project is too big . As a lazy . Bother to buckle
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looks at me made this post later . Some comrades are also forums to share his own player. However, poor thing looked under downloads . And it is only JMF achieve . But I am more concerned JAVAFX JAVAFX2.0 figure can be considered as newly hatched soon . Seemingly related resources on the Internet seemingly less ( maybe I should go look at foreign sites ) . I do not know predecessors left behind in that post implementation based javafx2 MP3 player can share the source code . Very happy to learn about. JMF JMF really too old even FMJ alternatives are also too old. If my mailbox : yuki@solamy.com. Thank you .
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thank seniors sharing . However, as has just come out into the IT professional bio me. Feeling relatively shallow foundation , nor can eat a fat one . Still have to go slowly. I looked at the official website of the few examples are relatively simple . I have become familiar to digest . Connection that the official website forums feeling pretty good. Add a bit. I would like to learn about. Thank you .
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landlord greatly , can send me the code , ah, ah grateful , mailbox 1159736130@qq.com
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I have to give up JMF code has done no small modifications. I suggest you refer to the instructions decompile code decompilation tools can http://download.csdn.net/detail/akemi_homura/4934387 this link to download. Next time I made a new post . Will be accompanied by a new source . Currently if you want to reference. This post I've been very clear to tell you how to obtain the source code, and on the structure of source code to do simple explanation .
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new Post address: http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390332461
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landlord , why do I download it to open exe is only one interface , click on the picture for even a playback menu does not display ? In addition, I can put this project to look at the source code

