
Sister shame Q : QT console program how output Chinese characters ?

Such as the following procedures, the console output is all garbled, how to run ?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include  <stdlib.h>

struct TreeNode
  int data;
  TreeNode *leftchild,*rightchild;
  TreeNode(int x,TreeNode *rc=NULL,TreeNode *lc=NULL){data=x;leftchild=lc;rightchild=rc;}
class Tree
Tree(int value=0,TreeNode *p=NULL){end=value;root=p;}
void outPut(TreeNode *p);
void Plant(TreeNode *p);
void Treetest();
TreeNode *root;
int end;
void Tree::outPut(TreeNode *p)
void Tree::Plant(TreeNode *p)
  int item;
  p=new TreeNode(item);
void Tree::Treetest()
   int i;
int main()
Tree t1;
int i=10;
return 0;

------ Solution ------------------------------------- -------
what you use compilers , gcc?
This statement does not matter with Qt estimated with the compiler about
I used vc compiler , shows Chinese
------ Solution ------------------------- -------------------
you this code has nothing to do with Qt , is a Chinese input and output of gcc compiler problem
look at this should be solved

recommend it, since the use Qt, for all the good uses Qt , Qt input and output is very powerful , you get an entire standard C + + code to take over the running , to learn Qt adverse
- ---- Solution -------------------------------------------- < br> =. =
little relationship with Qt , this and your source file encoding formats and compiler of a relationship.

can give you a suggestion to the above program into Qt version , haha. Steps are as follows ~
1 is qtcreator
2 If it is , check the
Tools - Options - Text Editor - Behavior tab under File Encodings in , default Encoding drop-down box there are no Chinese encoding (gbk, gb2132 or gb18030 , etc. ) . I have here is system

3 in the program
int main (xxxx)
QApplication app (xxxx);
QTextCodec :: setCodecForTr (QTextCodec :: codecForName ("system"));
QTextCodec :: setCodecForLocale (QTextCodec :: codecForName ("system"));
QTextCodec :: setCodecForCStrings (QTextCodec :: codecForName ("system"));

qDebug () << QObject :: tr (" Chinese " ) ;
/ / remember the Chinese use QObject :: tr () wrapped up, so you can display Chinese.

app.exec ();
------ Solution ----------------------------------- ---------

is QT even the most standard C + + do not support ? ? ?   

Just tried it,
I'm here with QtCreator can output Chinese . The procedure is simple
# include
# include
using namespace std;

int main (int argc, char * argv [])
cout << " Chinese " ;

you put Tools - Options - Text Editor - Behavior tab under File Encodings in , default Encoding
try to change system , provided that your system is the Chinese system ha.

Then once you reopen the file , see if it is garbled, if it is to re- enter the Chinese garbled enough.
then ctrl + R

------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
qt tab you look there are no encoding settings. To double-byte coding should be fine
------ Solution ----------------------------- ---------------

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your output using cout, with Qt little , add this one

#include <locale.h>


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error : expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
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locale :: global (locale ("" ) ) ;
phrase placed inside the main function which
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ah, ah put inside or distortion output

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using MINGW compiler

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Qt4 If so, set the
# include
QTextCodec :: setCodecForTr (QTextCodec :: codecForName ("GBK"));
QTextCodec :: setCodecForLocale (QTextCodec :: codecForName ("GBK"));
QTextCodec :: setCodecForCStrings (QTextCodec :: codecForName ("GBK"));

on the main inside
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tried, how output also are garbled ah ?
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Is QT even most standard C + + do not support ? ? ?

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vest ?
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11 F :
qDebug () << QObject :: tr (" Chinese " ) ;
/ / remember the Chinese use QObject :: tr () wrapped up, so you can display Chinese.

I side with qDebug () can be directly output Chinese , no QObject :: tr

